Sat, 22.03.2025 16:00

Reading Session

with Ruadhán J. Flynn

Past event

© Kunstraum Niederoesterreich

Sat, 22.03.2025, 4-7pm

Max. 10 Participants

In this reading session we will explore the essay „Sick Woman Theory“ (2020) by artist, writer and musician Johanna Hedva in a collaborative discussion, facilitated by academic and community worker Ruadhán J. Flynn. This seminal text on disability justice identifies embodied and invisible forms of protest, considers capitalism and cis-hetero patriarchy as systems that make us sick, and deconstructs the idea that wellness is the norm to aspire to. The „sick woman“ theorized by Hedva is any person part of an oppressed or marginalized group. 

To participate in this reading session, sign up under We will send you the text upon registration and would like to encourage you to read it beforehand. 

Please also indicate if you should have any needs regarding accessibility. To find out more about accessibility at the Kunstraum, please visit

The session will be in English.


The reading session takes place inside and in the framework of  the solo exhibition Silent Spills I by choreographer and performance artist Deva Schubert. 

Ruadhán J. Flynn is an academic and community worker from Ireland. He works on ideas around dehumanization, difference, and disability, using strategies for justice and collective care. He is part of ACCESSTECH at TU Vienna, and the founder and coordinator of the Trans Mutual Care Network. 

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Thu, 10.04.2025 19:30
Thu, 10.04.2025 19:30

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Sat, 26.04.2025 16:00

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