
Episode 11: Forever Young

A cycle of poems by Ötzi - presented by Ariane Koch

Ötzi is the oldest human mummy ever found. He is known as a piece of frozen history that provides us with information about the Stone Age and evolution itself. With Forever Young, Ötzi addresses the public as a poet for the first time and not only evokes his life in the Stone Age, but also describes his present, unfulfilled love for another exhibit - the primeval horse. But did you know that Ötzi also had enemies, not only those responsible for his death? And that he secretly pursued his second career as a DJ?

With the radio play "Forever Young" and an accompanying edition, artist and playwright Ariane Koch focuses on the human ability to appropriate the millennia-old history of mankind through fiction. Even if we cannot fully comprehend the rift between Ötzi and Yeti. Drama! 

Text: Ötzi
Concept/Director: Ariane Koch
Sound: Lukas Huber
Voice: Lukas Marsoner
Mastering: Alexander Wieser | Sonobelle Recordings
Many thanks to Pizzeria Sole & friends

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